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Fertility Factor 5

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Have you tried starting a family but with no luck? Has the doctor diagnosed you with having a low sperm count or maybe abnormal sperm development? If that’s the case, all may not be lost yet. The ingredients in Fertility Factor 5 are proven to:

  • Improve your sperm count
  • Increase semen volume
  • Improve the shape and morphology of the sperm
  • Enhance libido
  • Improve motility and movement

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Fertility Factor 5™ Fertility Booster

Over the years, many studies have been dedicated to female fertility issues, with very few resources spent on studying male infertility. The fact is that male infertility though comparatively rare, can wreak havoc on a relationship and spell the demise of a man’s confidence. The makers of VigRX understand the stress brought about by male infertility, which is why we have developed Fertility Factor 5.

Fertility Factor 5 has been formulated using a patented ingredient that was developed by none other than the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT as it is called. The ingredient is a major sperm count, shape, and movement improvement supplement.

How Does Fertility Factor 5 Work?

We have spent years and possibly thousands of person-hours combing through literally hundreds of various clinical studies to pull up the best ingredients shown to be effective against male infertility. Our team narrowed down their search to five major ingredients. Each one of these ingredients is clinically proven to work synergistically and independently to bring an end to male infertility.

If you are like many men who have attempted to start a family for many years and still have had no luck, then we are pretty sure that our Fertility Factor 5 formula should help. In fact, this statement is backed by literally hundreds of clinical studies.

Adverse Effects and Safety Information

Fertility Factor 5 has been formulated with all-natural ingredients, and that’s why it is considered 100% safe to use, even if you use it long term. In addition, nobody taking Fertility Factor 5 in the short or long term has reported any adverse effects from its use.

Will Fertility Factor 5 Work?

Yes, it will work for anyone who has been diagnosed with male infertility or they have tried to conceive without success because of low sperm mobility or the count. We are confident that this clinically proven formulation will help you start a family.

What’s In It?

The formulation consists of 5 natural ingredients which have been clinically tested and proven to work synergistically and individually to help improve, if not eliminate male infertility. Every component chosen for the formula has a specific function.

  • The research has been carried out by medical professionals.
  • The ingredients in the formulation are safe for use.
  • It is clinically proven to help improve cases of male fertility.


The Ingredients In Fertility Factor 5 are:

Tongkat Ali LJ100

There are many reasons why LJ100 is one of the ingredients in the formula. For one, this ingredient contains a high concentration of neuropeptides, which are the compounds that increase the amount of free testosterone and increase testosterone levels. Tongkat Ali LJ100 is well known for improving sperm count, shape, and movement while enhancing sexual function and libido.

Panax Ginseng

Research has shown that Panax ginseng can improve sperm quality. Its active constituents, called ginsenosides, act at the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis, inhibiting the decline in sexual drive and fecundity in men under stress. In addition, it is also thought to improve spermatogenesis in men with idiopathic infertility. This herb positively affects fertility, particularly in men with primary idiopathic oligospermia. In other words, this is an excellent herb for improving libido, sperm development, and sexual health.


Did you know that zinc is an essential nutrient for sperm? It's found in several places in the male reproductive system, including the nucleus, tail, and mid-piece of the sperm. The male reproductive system relies on zinc for several vital functions, including chromatin condensation and motility. A lack of zinc may affect the male reproductive system in various ways, including reduced fertility and reduced sperm count.


Although most studies on selenium for fertility focus on male fertility, the mineral may also benefit women trying to conceive. It is reported that 40% of men that are facing fertility issues have lower than normal levels of selenium; that’s why supplementing with it is so crucial in the fight against male infertility.


Over the years, several dozen clinical studies have shown that Bioperine is effective at increasing the bioavailability of nutrients. That’s why supplements like Fertility Factor 5 include BioPerine since it has an amplified effect on all the active ingredients, including selenium absorption.

Clinical Studies

At the time we were formulating Fertility Factor 5, we weren’t just choosing ingredients that were said to perhaps help with addressing male infertility. Our team was going through thousands of published papers to find the proper ingredients which were tested and proven to help improve male fertility. That’s why the resulting ingredients in the formulation have been clinically studied and are proven to address issues regarding:

  • Sperm count
  • Sperm movement
  • Semen volume
  • Sperm development
  • Sperm shape

The ingredients we settled for weren’t put through just two or three clinical studies. In fact, to qualify, they had to be proven through multiple studies to make the cut.

Let’s examine a few of these studies below.

Tongkat Ali LJ100 Clinical Study

We found a clinical study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology involving 75 men who have impotence who were asked to participate.

The men suffered from low sperm count, low sperm volume, poor sperm movement, and poor sperm shape.

All men who participated in the study were told by their urologists that natural conception wasn’t possible for them.

Prior to the study, every man had gotten a semen analysis. Each participant was given 200mg of Tongkat Ali LJ100 once every day continuously for nine months. This is, by the way, the same amount in every dose of Fertility Factor 5. After nine months, the results from the study showed:

  • The men experienced a 100% overall improvement in their semen.
  • Their regular sperm morphology had improved by 95%.
  • After the survey, 60% of the participants would qualify for intrauterine conception.
  • 65.5% saw their sperm concentration rise.
  • 25% qualified for in-vitro-fertilization.

The best news was that 15% of participants managed to impregnate their partners during the study. These were some of the people who had been trying for over five years.

The Panax Ginseng Clinical Study

In 2013, there was a review of over 80 studies of Panax Ginseng that were published in the prestigious Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. The review mainly showed that the use of Panax Ginseng held promise in:

  • Helping improve sexual health
  • Boosting libido
  • Producing hard erections
  • Stimulating the movement of sperm
  • Increasing sperm count

It has been shown through multiple studies that Panax Ginseng can help to improve reproductive health and sexual health exponentially.

Zinc Clinical Study

Diana Chu, a renowned male fertility expert, working in San Francisco State University, published an article in the Journal of Biology in 2018. During the time of researching the article, she found many clinical studies that showed the effects of zinc supplementation on improving fertility.

The clinician’s research showed that zinc is a significant part of a man’s fertility puzzle since it is good for sperm motility and other aspects of sperm development. Apparently, zinc, when in enough quantities, will signal the sperm to become motile, which means it can then reach the woman’s eggs for fertilization.

Selenium Clinical Study

A study in Experimental Techniques in Urology & Nephrology, a peer-reviewed journal, showed the importance of selenium supplementation. The 2018 study was conducted to determine if taking selenium as a supplement could improve sperm parameters.

The study was run on 12 infertile men; each one started with completing a sperm analysis before being entered into the study. Each man was then administered 50 mcg of selenium daily for three months. This is 20 mcg less than the daily dose of Fertility Factor 5.

Three months later, the researchers conducted another sperm analysis; the results surprised them. The study found that selenium had a positive effect on:

  • Sperm count
  • Sperm viability
  • Sperm volume
  • Sperm morphology
  • Sperm motility

It is worth noting that the results show improvements after three months of use. However, better and longer-lasting results can be sought from ongoing supplementation.

BioPerine Clinical Study

Bioperine may not be directly related to improving male fertility, but it does play an essential role in our formulation. Many clinical studies have shown that the existence of BioPerine in the formulation helps increase the absorption rate of ingredients like Selenium.

During a double-blind placebo study, one group was administered selenium that had BioPerine mixed into it. The control group was given selenium without Bioperine. After just two weeks, the researchers found that the group given one with both selenium and BioPrine had 30% higher levels of selenium in the body than the selenium-only group.

Customer Testimonials

VigRX Fertility Factor 5™ helps couples improve their fertility and chance to conceive. Here’s what our satisfied clients have to say:


It just works!

If you are dealing with bad sperm quality, try this product! It helped us improve all my husband's test parameters within only a few months of use.


My wife and I had been trying to conceive for months without success…

My wife and I had been trying to conceive for months without success - I was lucky to have gotten the chance to try Fertility Factor 5's formula and was blown away by the results. Our biggest issue when trying to conceive according to sperm test was the motility of my sperm, however after taking Fertility Factor for a few weeks all my tests started to show better motility as well as better morphology. My wife is now 2 months pregnant and we are ecstatic!


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